Our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ with all those around us. We exist to help those who enter our doors develop a true, personal relationship with God and equip them to do ministry, thereby magnifying the name of the Lord.
Our worship experience offers Christ-centered teaching, centered on how Biblical principles guide our lives. We are a church with a purpose.
worship with us
We welcome you to join us for in-person worship or online. There will be new safety measures in place.
Sunday CHURCH SCHOOL • 9:00 AM
There are Christian education classes for all ages including children, youth, new members, and more.
Sunday worship • 10:15 AM
Engage in worship and praise with like-minded believers while receiving sound teaching and doctrine.
Wednesday bible study • noon & 7pm
Join us for a deep-dive in to the Word during Pastor's weekly Bible class.
watch the latest sermon
on facebook here
Join us LIVE on Facebook each and every Sunday at 10:15 AM for moments of praise and a might Word. If you want to catch past services, you can visit our Facebook page.
We want to hear from you! Whether you're in need of prayer, want to request access to our fellowship hall to host an event, or are looking to request a service, fill out the form below and someone from our team will get back to you.